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Magic Moments
6 janvier 2017

E' arrivata la Befana- The Old Lady arrived on her broom- La vieille d ame est arrivée

Il 6 Gennaio!! Oggi arriva la Befana , la nobile nonnetta che chiude le vacanze natalizie e dell'inizio anno portanto, secondo la tradizione ed in alcune parti d'Italia in particolare   doni e dolcetti ai bambini .

La sua storia è diversa , perchè il nome "Befana" viene dal termine "Epifania" che dal greco antico significa "manifestazione, presentazione , esposizione" ed è direttamente collegata alla figura del Bambino Gesù ed alla sua presentazione ai 3  Re Magi , Gaspare , Melchiorre e Baldassarre.

Ma oggi come oggi , la Befana gradevole e simpatica (ma non bella!!!) vecchietta è la dispensatrice di giocattoli, dolci e ... Carbone ..., questi utlimi racchiusi nelle sue bellissime calze variopinte .Dopo decenni dall'ultima volta che ho festeggiato la Befana con regali  , mi sono decisa a ricordare l'evento regalandomi la vecchietta in persona ! questa è carina e come per una decorazione natalizia , la esporrò nei prossimi anni per la... Befana!





La Befana


Today is a a Christian feast , the Epiphany, which is celebrating the revelation of God the Son as a humen being as Jesus Christ . The word comes from the ancient Greek language meaning "revelation, presentation, striking appearence "  . The revelation matches with the 3 Biblic Magi 's visitation to Baby Jesus and therefore the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles.

Did you place the Three Wise Men before your Craddle? Caspar, Melchior and Bathazar brought their significant to Baby Jesus : Gold for the King of the World, Frankincence as symbol of deity, Myrrh as symbol of death .

Today the meaning of the Epiphany is less religious and morfe commercial: children wait for the presents (toys mainly) brought by the old granny flying on a broom . She comes and closes all Christmas and New Year celebrations , starting the new one with toys and cookies for good children and some sugar coal also for those naughty.. In Italy, in a large part of the country , people celebrates this day  . When I was a child I have also received several toys (dolls, kitchen cooking set,etc...) and sweets principally contained in a colourful sock (the old lady's one) but I never had a doll dressed as LA BEFANA .

So, I decided to buy a little Befana , equipped with her broom (which  according to tradition, should be burnt )and some good-luck chocolates euros . Isn't she nice?? She is not that ugly as tradition says  and with a large nice smile ...

la Befana con i soldi

 Ahaaa, aujourd'hui est l'Epiphanie , en Italie LA BEFANA ! L'arrivée de la vieille dame à cheval de sa balai qui arrive pour mener des jouets et des bonbons aux enfants et, en étant derriere Noel et la Nouvelle Année ... selon la tradition elle enlève toutes fetes . L'Epiphanie d'abord est une fête Chrétienne : Du Greque ancient , le mot épiphanie signifie "présentation,manifestation, apparition" et célèbre la venue du Messie incarné dans le monde devant les Trois Rois Mages , venus hommager  le Dieu dans sa cabanne .

Avez-vous mis les trois Rois devant jesus dans votre Craiche ?

Aujourd'hui la fête est plutot commerciale , avec des villages et de villes (comme ROME!) en fête , de petites vieilles dames et leur balai venduesavec

 des chocolats , bonbons, les très fameuses chaussettes colorées de la dame pleines de gourmandises  et encore des jouets pour tous les enfants ..

Entretemps , demain on rentre  à la routine quotidienne !!!


Magic Moments
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